Flight Rising Wiki

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  • Specialty Item: to use this item, left-click on it in your Hoard. This will pull up a menu that allows you to select which Gaoler you would like to use it on. Clicking a Gaoler will show you a preview of them with this gene before actually changing it. Once a Gaoler is selected, click Apply Changes to change their tertiary gene to Blossom.


The Blossom gene gives a Gaoler dragon small flowers decorating their body. The flowers are mostly concentrated where there is the most fur, though flowers also appear on the horns. The majority of the flowers have the color of the tertiary as the petals, with the center being a different shade or color, but some are colored in reverse, giving a pop of a different color in the flower clusters. In some colors this effect is barely noticeable while others are very obvious.


  • Blossom was released on July 17th, 2019.[1]

See Also[]

               Gaoler Primary Genes
Bar Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Cinder Gene (Gaoler)
Clown Gene (Gaoler)
Crystal Gene (Gaoler)
Fade Gene (Gaoler)
Falcon Gene (Gaoler)
Flaunt Gene (Gaoler)
Giraffe Gene (Gaoler)
Jaguar Gene (Gaoler)
Laced Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Mosaic Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Piebald Gene (Gaoler)
Pinstripe Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Edgar placeholder
Ripple Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Shaggy Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Edgar placeholder
Edgar placeholder
Edgar placeholder
Tapir Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Tiger Gene (Gaoler)
Wasp Gene (Gaoler)
               Gaoler Secondary Genes
Bee Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Blend Gene (Gaoler)
Breakup Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Current Gene (Gaoler)
Daub Gene (Gaoler)
Edged Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Eye Spots Gene (Gaoler)
Facet Gene (Gaoler)
Flair Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Hex Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Paint Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Peregrine Gene (Gaoler)
Rosette Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Edgar placeholder
Edgar placeholder
Edgar placeholder
Spirit Gene (Gaoler)
Streak Gene (Gaoler)
Striation Gene (Gaoler)
Stripes Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Trail Gene (Gaoler)
               Gaoler Tertiary Genes
Angler Gene (Gaoler)
Blossom Gene (Gaoler)
Braids Gene (Gaoler)
Capsule Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Edgar placeholder
Crystalline Gene Gaoler
Fans Gene (Gaoler)
Edgar placeholder
Ghost Gene (Gaoler)
Glimmer Gene (Gaoler)
Gnarlhorns Gene (Gaoler)
Opal Gene (Gaoler)
Pinions Gene (Gaoler)
Ringlets Gene (Gaoler)
Riot gene Gaoler
Runes Gene (Gaoler)
Scorpion Gene (Gaoler)
Shardflank Gene (Gaoler)
Smoke Gene (Gaoler)
Sparkle Gene (Gaoler)
Stained Gene (Gaoler)
Thundercrack Gene Gaoler
Thylacine Gene (Gaoler)
Underbelly Gene (Gaoler)
Veined Gene (Gaoler)
Weathered Gene (Gaoler)
Wintercoat Gene (Gaoler)

