Flight Rising Wiki

The Arcane icon small Arcane Flight is one of the 11 Elemental Flights in Flight Rising.

Its reigning deity is The Arcanist, and its members reside in the Starfall Isles. Arcane dragons' eyes come in shades of pink and violet. It is the 2nd largest flight as of June 29th, 2022.


Arcanist Icon

The Arcane dragons of the Starfall Isles are dreamers. They prefer the allure of the unknown and mysterious nature of the magical energies that bind the universe together. Of all the dragons, Arcane dragons are the most curious, pursuing their theories and their dreams, often oblivious to the effects that their dogged pursuits may have on the world around them. Meteors and runestones are their favored treasures.


Starfall Isles

The Arcane Flight is centralized in the Starfall Isles. The Isles are most directly bordered by the Plague Flight. Along with being connected to the Ice flight's ice floes, it also neighbors Earth and Wind territories across the water.

An associated location, the Forbidden Portal, can be visited in the Coliseum.

Region Image Description
Crystalspine Reaches

Crystalspine Reaches

This mighty mountain range once stood straight and tall; the peaks now curve inward, pointing directly toward the Observatory and creating a concave and sheltered realm for younger flights to nurture their nascent powers and to grow accustomed to the warping energies of the land. Dragons mine the peaks, using their fledgling magic to send large plinths of crystal to their patron. An otherwordly surge in magical energies have caused them to lurch abruptly in recent times.
Oculus of the Eleven

Oculus of the Eleven

An ancient temple constructed as a cooperative effort between the flights to locate and monitor the ley lines of the realm. Magisters have been working here since its inception to identify where the strongest auras of magic on Sornieth coalesce. Sanctums in each region relay critical magical data to this neutral sovereign institution, where it is analyzed for fluctuations or disturbances. An order of scholars here have sought answers to a recent disastrous event originating from the Shifting Expanse.
Starwood Strand

Starwood Strand

To stand inside of the Star Wood at night is be embraced by an infinite universe. Along this former shoreline, the trees stretch skyward and grow taller than anywhere else. At night, they blossom and reveal millions of flowers winking in the moonlight like so many stars. It is a place for inspiration and thought. Many dragons discover their genius here, but many more become lost to the dangers hidden in its beauty.
Hoverview Vale

Hoverview Vale

Soaring delicately above the Crystalspine Reaches, this medley of lush floating isles is often said to have been the origin of the region's name. The landmasses here are held aloft by a steady force that seems determined to pull the surrounding area into the heavens above. The dragon clans that dot these hovering chunks of earth are said to have the most incredible views in the world, with some even looking down upon the skybound lairs of the Cloudsong.
Focal Point

Focal Point

Once a low island, Focal Point now threatens to tower over even the Crystalspine Mountains. The earth here longs to join the sky, pulling upwards in cascading towers of rock and crystal. The vast energies at play affect the outer lands and make the skies a dangerous litter of resources sent in to feed the Observatory. The true threats, however, to those living here are the strange, alien creatures riding the meteors that rain upon the land...
Tourmaline Archives

Tourmaline Archives

The glittering spires of the Tourmaline Archives refract the surreal landscape, manifesting as a myriad of opportunities to study the arcane. The libraries within house a collection of knowledge that spans the scholars of dragonkind and breadth of Sornieth; an impossible task for even a handful of librarians to comb over in a generation. To walk its hallways is to disappear into a vast well of scripts, spells, astrology, and enchantment.

The Observatory

Sitting atop the highest reaches of Focal Point, the Observatory stands lonely, its Eye of Many Lenses staring deep into the darkest quadrants of space. The Arcanist broods by candlelight within as his four frail arms feverishly scribble the knowledge of the cosmos into ancient tomes of countless pages. Forbidden words rolling off of enchanted tongues echo through the the archaic structure bound in runes formed through years of applied magical sciences.


As its name implies, this half-sphere of crystalline arcglass shields a sprawling community of mages and astrologists eager to make their mark on the world outside. Though originally constructed to cultivate a pristine atmosphere of intellectual pursuit, the armored shell now acts as a literal shield from wayward debris and astral "rain" that pummels the region in the wake of stirring elemental chaos.



Familiars that are directly related to the flight by their description and/or elemental affinity in the Coliseum.

Notable Flora and Fauna[]

Food items with descriptions that clearly link them to the flight.

Icon Name Description
Aether Hermit Aether Hermit Some say this crab can shoot beams of arcane energy at foes, but this one only pinches. Maybe it's out of mana?
Balloon Belly Magi Balloon Belly Magi Consuming these fish is said to enhance the magical capabilities of the diner.
Fallout Whisper Fallout Whisper These moths fly erratically around the sites of the Arcanist's experiments. They make your tongue glow when eaten. 
Irradiated Pear Irradiated Pear Eating this will either give one extraordinary powers or intestinal distress. Or extraordinary distress and intestinal powers.
Mana Thief Mana Thief This vampiric insect glows with magical energy siphoned from other living creatures.
Manaweed Manaweed While Manaweed supposedly gives Satin Mice their peculiar intellect, it doesn't make dragons any smarter.
Micromoth Micromoth Though not as prevalent as eye of newt, micromoths are a common reagent in many magical remedies.
Orchid Beetle Orchid Beetle Found in the Starwood Strand, this nocturnal beetle gets its vivid coloration from the plants it eats.
Runic Batling Runic Batling This was an odd thing to enchant.
Sakura Owlet Sakura Owlet For a time, owls sought to build nests in the Observatory at Focal Point. They quickly stopped when their owlets began turning pink.
Satin Mouse Satin Mouse Living in arcane-infused fields does strange things to Satin Mice. All that matters is they're magically delicious.
Spellbound Beetle Spellbound Beetle This beetle crossed paths with the wrong mage. Hopefully its binding does not transfer upon consumption...
Star Moss Star Moss A dull gray by day, Star Moss sparkles vibrantly at night. Some say it even tastes better then.
Starfall Blossom Starfall Blossom Starfall Blossoms glow softly at night... and sometimes explode for no apparent reason. Botany can be a dangerous hobby where they grow.
Stardust Mite Stardust Mite We are stardust, but this mite is moreso than most.


Apparel items that are directly related to the flight by their description and/or appearance.

Icon Name Description
Starseer's Emblem Starseer's Emblem A glowing arcane rune; the sign of a true magical adept.
Starseer Armband Starseer Armband A pink jeweled armband, commonly worn by denizens of the Starfall Isles.
Archivists Spellscroll Archivists Spellscroll A long, wrinkled scroll inscribed with countless glowing runes. Legend has it that the Arcanist himself forged this document.
Starseer's Sash Starseer's Sash A ceremonial sash gifted to those who have brought honor to the Starfall Isles.
Companion Comet Companion Comet A friendly celestial body.
Starseer's Crown Starseer's Crown A glorious crown awarded to dragons who have shown good leadership while visiting the Starfall Isles.
Cosmologist Fieldtools Cosmologist Fieldtools A proper cosmologist is never without their tools! Except when they forget them.
Starlight Cloak Starlight Cloak A cloak enchanted to mirror the heavens above.
Starwood Veil Starwood Veil A shawl made from fibers of Starwood Strand's namesake trees. Glows by night.
Spellwrought Halo Spellwrought Halo Encircling the head, this halo of pure arcane energy is the magical sign of a powerful individual.
Spellwrought Shardhide Spellwrought Shardhide Not all draconic mages don robes and grimoires. Sometimes the coalescence of unbridled arcane energy can manifest itself in frightening or intimidating physical changes.
Standard of the Arcanist Standard of the Arcanist The skilled mages of the Arcane flight bear their colors proudly on the battlefield. This glowing standard inspires all who see it flying proudly.
Starfall Crystalcloak Starfall Crystalcloak The decorated raiment for the most prestigious scholars of the Tourmaline Archives.
Feathery Fallout Feathery Fallout The constant bombardment of magical energies can manifest themselves in odd ways on dragons caught in the fallout. Some mages recoil from such changes, while others embrace it.
Arcane's Charm Arcane's Charm Born by those blessed by the Arcanist.
Bewitching Bangles Bewitching Bangles Bewitched bangles beautify and beguile.
Arcane Aura Arcane Aura Arcane runes and mist dance around the wearer.
Starwood Embrace Starwood Embrace Branches of starlight envelop the wearer.
Powerpack Coat Powerpack Coat Portable magic packs for an on-the-go dragon.
Starlight Guise Starlight Guise A drape of starlight.
Arcane Tome Arcane Tome A durable leather tome filled with ancient knowledge of the Arcane Flight.
Charming Sage Lantern Charming Sage Lantern Enchanted floating lanterns make for a for a charming sage!
Conjurer's Staff Conjurer's Staff This gnarled staff is more natural than it is dragonmade. It is potent in magical energies.
Enchanter's Herb Pouch Enchanter's Herb Pouch Every great enchanter needs components to aid their spellwork. A pouch of herbs, seeds, and flowers make for effective reagents.
Ethereal Entourage Ethereal Entourage A glittering swarm of curious faeries, trying to get your attention...
Heatherbed Lily Heatherbed Lily A delicate lily. Thousands of these flowers blanket the Starwood Strand, leaning towards the Arcanist's observatory.
Mage's Peony Hat Mage's Peony Hat This ostentatious hat screams "magic-user", which is just as well, since the noise it creates prevents any attempts at stealth.
Rainbow Starswirl Rainbow Starswirl A flurry of magic.


Other items that are directly related to the flight by their description and/or appearance.

Icon Name Description
Arcane Runestone Arcane Runestone An ancient stone bearing the ancestral rune of the Arcanist. Such a find should be kept as a prized possession.
Magical Shard Magical Shard A solidified chunk of pure magical energy, pulsating slowly. This can be traded at the Festive Favors shop during the Starfall Celebration.
Arcane Chest Arcane Holiday Chests The runic script on this chest swirls and shifts before your eyes. When the chest is handled the runes flare, then wink out.
Unhatched Arcane Egg Unhatched Arcane Egg A quivering, unhatched arcane egg. It is glowing pink and violet with strange energies. An irregular thumping is coming from within.
Exotic Arcanist Idol Exotic Arcanist Idol A crudely-fashioned stuffed doll that resembles the Arcanist. The fabric is exotic, but the doll feels like it could fall apart if not handled delicately.
Arcanist Meteorite Miniature Arcanist Meteorite Miniature A modest figurine depicting the Arcanist. It is crafted from meteoric crystal and resonates with a soft, magical glow.
Starfall Celebration Vista Icon Vista: Starfall Celebration Released during the 2016 Starfall Celebration.
Arcanist Vista Icon Vista: Arcanist Released during the 2017 Starfall Celebration.
Fae Dragons Vista Icon Vista: Fae Dragons Features the Arcane Flight's native breed, the Fae Dragon, on a Crystalspine Reaches backdrop.
Forbidden Portal Vista Icon Vista: Forbidden Portal Pictures the Forbidden Portal.
Arcanist's Domain Scene Icon Scene: Arcanist's Domain Pictures the Starwood Strand.
Bottled Bones Bottled Bones This is the kind of thing that you'd find in the back room of your local magic shop.
Celestine Celestine Massive quantities of celestine are found in the pillar-like rocks that stretch out below the Observatory, but almost nowhere else in the realm.
Moonstone Moonstone This radiant gemstone is known for its magical ability to aid in the biological morphing processes of some rare types of sprites and fairies.
Pink Chalcedony Pink Chalcedony Crystalspine Reaches, once granite mountains, are now entirely made of chalcedony after extreme arcane vortices warped their physical properties. Prolonged exposure to this radioactive silica can make non-Arcane dragons very ill.
Rhodochrosite Rhodochrosite This vibrant mineral is commonly mined from hydrothermal vents off the coast of the Starfall Isles. It acts a catalyst for creating arcane metalwork.
Runed Tuft of Fur Runed Tuft of Fur This was also an odd thing to enchant.
Stardust Sap Lamp Stardust Sap Lamp A specialized lamp that uses sap from birch trees in the Starwood Strand. It emits an eerie blue flame.

Powers and Abilities[]

Arcane stats

Arcane dragons wield concentrated magical energy. Arcane deals increased damage to Light, Lightning, and Shadow, and is weak to Earth, Nature, and Wind.

Arcane-specific Battle Stones[]

Icon Name Description
Rune Slash Rune Slash A magical slash of focused mana. Deals close-combat Arcane damage to one target. May only be used by Arcane dragons.
Mana Bolt Mana Bolt A focused bolt of arcane energy. Deals Arcane damage to one target. May only be used by Arcane dragons.
Enfeeble Enfeeble Summons an ominous runic circle beneath the enemy. Has a chance to apply Amplify (increases magical damage against the target). May only be used by Arcane dragons.
Magical Acuity Fragment Magical Acuity Fragment When assigned, this fragment empowers one Arcane dragon with +2 Intellect.
Magical Might Fragment Magical Might Fragment When assigned, this fragment empowers one Arcane dragon with +2 Strength.



Native Dragon Breeds[]

Currently, the Fae is the only modern breed native to the Starfall Isles, and Aether the resident ancient breed. Fae originate from the Starwood Strand subregion, and Aether come from the Astrolab research facility.

Eggs & Nest[]

Unhatched Arcane Egg

"A quivering, unhatched arcane egg. It is glowing pink and violet with strange energies. An irregular thumping is coming from within." - Unhatched Arcane Egg

Arcane eggs are perfectly spherical and levitate in the air. Two pink rings encircle them like an atom, and their shells resemble the night sky. They are kept within a crystal formation surrounding a small, elevated piece of land covered in green grass.

Arcane nest 5 eggs

Page Background[]

The default Arcane Flight background is of the Crystalspine Reaches and features large spires of pink crystal jutting from and expanse of ocean. The sky is pale yellow fading into blue near the horizon and there are glowing runes around the spires.

Starfall Celebration[]


The Starfall Celebration is the annual elemental holiday of the Arcane Flight. It takes place during the last week of September.

Image Gallery[]

Read More[]

Arcane Flight Arcane Rune
God The Arcanist
Locations Starfall Isles
Events Starfall Celebration


Elemental Flights
Arcane Rune Arcane Flight Earth Rune Earth Flight Fire Rune Fire Flight Ice Rune Ice Flight

Light Rune Light Flight Lightning Rune Lightning Flight Nature Rune Nature Flight

Plague Rune Plague Flight Shadow Rune Shadow Flight Water Rune Water Flight Wind Rune Wind Flight