Swipp is a male Fae Dragon who runs a stand at the Trading Post. He is on the lookout for item trades; some of his deals trade less valuable items for more valuable items—such as trading Silver Ore for Gold Ore—while others are unique familiars and apparel, only obtainable through him. Swipp's daughters, Pipp and Tripp, offer their own trades with an added fee: 1,000 for Pipp's trades and 2,000 for Tripp's.
Swipp is described as a savvy Fae with a watchful eye out for the next big trend,[1] and could be considered outgoing, as he called visitors "friend" in his old dialogue. Pipp is very energetic, and tries very hard to act like her dad when she's selling something, using similar tactics and phrases to convince you that it's worth paying extra for. Tripp, on the other hand, comes across as snarky, cynical, and generally unhelpful; she makes it clear that selling things is that last thing she wants to be doing.
Swipp and his daughters each offer 12 random trades daily that cycle every 2 hours, for a total of 36 trade offers a day. The trades are not guaranteed to be unique each time however, and one may find repeat trades throughout the day or even within the same cycle.
Users have put together a Google spreadsheet of users to ping when Swipp offers certain items (to have your username placed on the list, follow the instructions in the associated thread). There is a reference list of Swipp's requested items as well. The site also features a catalog of all his trades. Using this list, they can be broken down into six groups (items are Swipp-exclusive unless specified otherwise):
The following items used to be available from Swipp, but have since been removed from his trading list. Most of these items can still be obtained through other means, barring the skins and accents which are now retired and can only be obtained by exchanging with other players. Swaps are listed in order of date retired, along with what they required.
Welcome to my family's humble stand! We've been stocking up on [ITEMNAME]. We have a buyer for the items on the right if we can acquire them. Care to make a trade?
Step right up to Sornieth's most famous swapping stand! [ITEMNAME] just came in and is flying off the shelves! I'll trade you for the items on the right if you'd like to make a deal!
Hey stranger! In my travels, I was able to bargain for [ITEMNAME]. I can pass the savings onto you for a couple items. Care to make an exchange?
Welcome! I've got a great deal on [ITEMNAME] today. Bring the items to the right and we'll make a deal!
Hello traveller! I know what you're thinking, and yes, that *is* the finest [ITEMNAME] you've ever seen! Care to make a deal? I could use a few of the items on the right.
The [ITEMNAME] is a new acquisition. It could be yours, if you're willing to trade for it! This deal can't last, so please hurry!
You look like you could use more [ITEMNAME] in your life. As luck would have it, I've got some! I've been looking for a few rare items, though, if you'd like to make a swap.
Oi! I've got [ITEMNAME] over here and it could be yours if you can bring me a few choice items I've been seeking. What do ya say?
If [ITEMNAME] doesn't pique your interest, you could always check back in a little while! We've always got new items cycling in.
I see that you are interested in the [ITEMNAME]. I'd be willing to trade: a bargain for just a couple of easy-to-find items.
Hi there, and welcome to Swipp's Swap Stand! Would you by chance be interested in [ITEMNAME]? A personal favorite of mine! Just a small one-time payment of 1000 and the items on the right and it's yours!
I know my dad doesn't ask for 1000, but I had to procure this [ITEMNAME] myself! I only have a few left, and it's certainly a better bargain than Tripp will ever offer!
Dad's been teaching me the ropes! Can I interest you in [ITEMNAME]? Only an additional 1000 more than my dad's deal. You'll just love it!
Or... we've got [ITEMNAME]. Quite rare, right, pop? For only 1000 and the items on the right, this great deal can be yours!
My sister Tripp might enjoy this if she gave it a better shot! How about this [ITEMNAME] for the items on the right and 1000?
Or... have a look at [ITEMNAME]! Only a few left in this condition! Let's trade for the items on the right and a small fee of 1000 - you'll be my favorite customer!
Or... hey! Hey! Check out [ITEMNAME]! It's a great little piece. For just 1000 and some items---where are you going??
Yes yes, I see you have your eye on the [ITEMNAME]! What a quality [ITEMNAME] this is! Only the finest [ITEMNAME] is offered at our stand! Care to trade for a one time payment of 1000 and a few items?
We've only got a few [ITEMNAME] left! Will you be one of the lucky ones?? Only need a few items from you and a small fee of 1000. Pleasure seeing you today!
Pipp's way too excited about the family business... She should be selling this [ITEMNAME], not me! Anyway, you give me the items on the right and 2000 and I promise you that I'll maybe stop whining so much.
Oh, look... I managed to find the last [ITEMNAME]--oh who am I kidding, we have like five hundred of 'em back there. Oh, and also give me 2000.
This [ITEMNAME] is certainly a [ITEMNAME]. Sornieth purchase taxes amount to 2000, by the way.
All my friends are out flying and I'm stuck trying to sell you [ITEMNAME]. What a great day. 2000 might make me feel better, though...
I see you looking at this [ITEMNAME], you know. Gonna need some items and 2000 first.
...why are you still here? If you love looking at the [ITEMNAME] so much, just give me some items and 2000 and take it home. Then you can stare at it somewhere away from me!
Yeah, this [ITEMNAME] you like so much? My dad sold out of them last week. I saved a small stockpile and now I have a monopoly on the things. "Bribe" is a strong word to throw around, but I think it's applicable. Give me 2000 and these items and maybe I'll give you [ITEMNAME].
My enthusiasm to be hawking this [ITEMNAME] is far lower than its already meager price. And by meager, I mean the items on the right and an additional 2000.
Look... I don't really even care if you buy [ITEMNAME]. I have way better things that I could be doing. Oh, and there'll also be a "transaction fee" of 2000.
Oh boy, oh boy. Have you ever just wanted [ITEMNAME] so badly? Well, cough up 2000 and the items on the right. This ain't Pinkerton's Plundered Pile.
Swipp's daughters, Pipp and Tripp, were introduced upon the expansion of his stall on October 29th, 2015.[12]
Upon their release, Pipp and Tripp did not always appear with extra offers. They were added full time on July 16th, 2019.[13]
Tomo's trivia questions reveal the primary and secondary colors of Swipp (Swamp and Sand) and one of his daughters, Pipp (Red and Caribbean).
Tripp's colors are still unknown. Cottoncandy and Blackberry with a possible Rose/Pearl Underbelly seem to be the closest equivalent though, if a little too red on the body.
Swipp's official secondary seems to be off. Goldenrod looks to be a better match for his cheek fin color as Sand is way too dark, especially when compared to his current depiction in the stand. Using Peridot Stained along with Sand as the secondary provides a near-perfect match, however.
Pipp and Tripp are caravan orphans, adopted by Swipp during his travels. Their adoptive mother is off finding new merchandise and deals from far and wide! They see her several times yearly, but she isn't as large a figure in their life as their father and the other denizens of the Trading Post are.[15]
In some cases, it's better to wait for Swipp himself to offer a swap, as you can lose more money than you'd gain in several trades (especially the Broken Penny Jar, where you can lose either 800 or 1,800 depending on who you trade with).
Swipp's old art is one of the images featured in the Jigsaw game in the Fairgrounds: